Jennifer Lynne - Authoress Extraordinaire

Jennifer Lynne is a lifelong advocator of all things hedonistic, and a writer who loves what she does - writing exactly the type of steamy erotica stories that get her personally hot under the collar.
In her objective to provide intelligent, wonderfully written and thoroughly engaging tales with something for everyone, Jennifer Lynne leaves no subject untouched and no taboos unbroken!
Every story is lovingly crafted with a beginning a middle and an end, with believable characters and an engaging plot that explores the most sensual, erotic and sometimes darkest fantasies.
Jennifer comes from a varied career in sensual pleasures, having organised hedonistic parties for the rich and famous, run an agency that catered to the bespoke fantasies of an exclusive clietele (some of which feature anonymously in her tales of debauched sex and lust) and toured her native England as the burlesque striptease performer Peachy Derriere.
Jennifer sincerely hopes that you absolutely love her stories - they are for ladies, for gentlemen, for couples to read together - and she always loves to hear from her fans...
If you have your own fantasies you would love to see brought to life by Jennifer's talented pen, or if your desire is to have yourself as the star(s) of a Jennifer Lynne story, then check out her bespoke story service...